The Australian Immigration process can be confusing and complex!
The aim of engaging with a professional is to simplify a complex process.
Delay can have serious consequences for an application. It is important to understand once a decision is made to proceed to lodge an application - time is of the essence.
Commonwealth and State Occupation in demand lists and sponsorship and skills assessment criteria can change quickly with serious consequences. If an applicant appears to meet the criteria, no time is lost in preparation and lodgement of an application.
If an application is accepted after a careful preliminary assessment then the matter will proceed on a 'No Win No Fee' basis. No applications are accepted if the chances of success are not good. This protects the applicant and the advisor. In all circumstances, an application will be lodged if the client insists on lodgment.
Each stage in the immigration process is interconnected. It is really important to plan each stage in the process. At all stages, clients are advised and kept informed of any developments which are relevant. Often months can pass without any progress in an application. Clients are advised when the matter is just waiting assessment and what time delays to expect.
Honesty and high professional standards are really important.
As a No-win No-fee service is offered, applications will not be lodged that do not have a high chance of success. The best assessments are completed personally where precise questions can be asked.
The content of this website has been kept intentionally brief to avoid confusion. The best approach to any query is to ask and answer questions specifically and quickly. A direct and critical question asked by an experienced professional will be critical in an assessment if the applicant qualifies.
If you need advice get in touch by email in the first instance!
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